User avatar roptat

Announcement posted

We are approaching release of the next version, 1.4.0. This means that weblate now follows the release branch instead of master. Now's the time to translate as much as possible before release!

a year ago
User avatar roptat

Announcement posted

The release was scheduled for the 18, but difficulties appeared. We plan to release "as soon as possible", meaning you have extra time to polish translations for this release. Strings are still frozen for the release, as only release blocker fixes are now applied on the release branch.

We have integrated most of your translations in Guix. You can check them by running "guix pull" and using Guix. If you started a translation for the manual, it is also available as "info guix.xx" where xx is your language code ('de', 'es', 'fr', etc).

Have any question? Ping me (@roptat), or ask questions on our IRC (#guix on freenode) or our mailing list (help-guix +a+t- if you need help!

Happy translating!


3 years ago
User avatar roptat

Announcement posted

The Guix project has entered string freeze, and the release is following schedule :). This means strings will not change in the guix and documentation-manual components until release on the 18. Other components might continue to evolve. Have any question? Ping me (@roptat), or ask questions on our IRC (#guix on freenode) or our mailing list (help-guix +a+t- if you need help!

Happy translating!


3 years ago
User avatar roptat

Announcement posted

The Guix project has entered string freeze, and the release is following schedule :) This means strings will not change in the guix and guix-documentation-manual components until release. Other components might continue to evolve. Have any question? Ping me (@roptat), or ask questions on our IRC (#guix on freenode) or our mailing list (help-guix +a+t- if you need help!

Happy translating!


3 years ago
User avatar roptat

Announcement posted

Hi dear translators :)

First of all, welcome to all the great new translators who have contributed since we switched to weblate, that is wonderful to see! If you need any help, please do not hesitate to leave comments on strings (against the source string or I might not see anything), or ask questions on our IRC (#guix on freenode) or our mailing list (help-guix +a+t- Note that you can use any language you feel most confident with, in any of these channels, though we might not all be able to answer. You can also contact me (@roptat) through weblate. I can realistically speak only French and English.

We are planning our next release, 1.2.1, next month, on April 18. One week before, on the 12, we will enter string freeze, meaning that strings will not change for a week in the guix and documentation-manual components. Other components might continue to evolve during this period. From our experience, one week is enough to finish updating strings in languages that are already well maintained, but this is definitely too short to go from 0 to 100%, so you might want to get started earlier ;)

If you are one of the many new translators on the project, you might get a little lost. Here is the explanation of the different components:

  • documentation-manual: this is the manual that can be read online (and with the info program when you install guix) at It contains the reference documentation for everything in Guix.
  • documentation-cookbook: this is a cookbook style manual that can be read online at It contains tutorial-style documentation.
  • guix: this is the main and most important component. It contains the strings for the tool itself, Guix. This includes the package manager options, help strings, error messages, installer screens, etc. This does not contain package information.
  • packages: this is the biggest component. It contains the synopsis and descriptions of a subset of packages in Guix. In the long run, we will add every package, but it is already very big as it is. Consider it lower priority.
  • website: this the strings that made up the official website, at, excluding package descriptions, manual and cookbook. After you translate guix itself, this is probably the best second target.

Please be careful with strings, as they contain formatting that is not recognized by weblate (I am trying to add support for them, but it's taking me time). The guix component contains scheme format strings, of the form "~a" or "~s" etc. Please keep them intact and in the same order, they are replaced by other messages, numbers, etc (similar to "%d" or "%s" in other programming languages). For the documentation and packages components, please make sure to keep texinfo formatting intact. You do not have to translate the content of the various @[px]ref{...} as it is taken care of by our scripts, you need to keep the content of @code, @command, @var etc intact, but you can modify the content of @emph, @footnote, etc. If you are unsure, please use the communication channels above to get help!

When a new language hits the 30% mark in the website component, we will start publishing it. We do not have chosen a level for inclusion in other components. Probably, we will add anything from the packages and guix components, but only take cookbook and manual translations that have a higher level of translation.

Happy translating! Julien

3 years ago
